Work experience at Leicester inspires aspiring scientist

Leicester teenager Chelsea Herbert first discovered her love for scientific research thanks to the University of Leicester which gave her the opportunity to taste science at the cutting edge.

Chelsea, 18, was invited to undertake three days’ work experience in 2013 alongside Professor Catrin Pritchard (pictured), Professor of Cancer Biochemistry and Science Director of the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Leicester Centre, and she hasn’t looked back.

The youngster’s initial research work helped her secure a coveted Nuffield Research Placement at the University of Leicester, giving her the chance to work full-time for six weeks on her special scientific project.

Chelsea was then entered for the National Science and Engineering Competition (NSEC) 2015 where she came third. Her success in NSEC saw Chelsea awarded the London International Youth Science Forum Prize (LIYSF). And to top it off, Chelsea reached the semi-finals of the Jack Wills Young Brits 2015.

After a busy summer of scientific successes, Chelsea starts at the University of Bristol studying medicine. However, she hopes to return to the University of Leicester during the summer holidays to continue with her research.