Transformative plan to pioneer a distinctive elite in higher education

President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle has unveiled a transformative plan to create a university that represents a ‘distinctive elite’ in the higher education sector.

The vision of a ‘discovery-led’ institution places innovation at the heart of Leicester as a research-intensive university which is inclusive and open to all who have talent.

Professor Boyle announced the new vision for Leicester exactly a year after he took over as the University’s President and Vice-Chancellor following a comprehensive consultation programme involving staff, students, alumni and external stakeholders.

The new plan for Leicester is published alongside a new look for Leicester- with a refreshed logo and a new website.

The multi-million pound plans include the creation of a digital campus and the launch of one of the most flexible degree curriculums in the UK.  As a key plank of the Leicester strategy, our “Pathways” approach to course design provides a dynamic response to new demands and expectations from students, employers, and government. Consequently, Leicester graduates will be even better prepared to embark on rewarding careers and to go on to make a difference in the world.

We also have ambitions to establish the National Space Park, which will be home for our world-class space and earth observation scientists and will play a crucial role in attracting high-tech companies to the city.

Professor Boyle also announced the launch of a new campaign—PROUD—focused on ways in which we can help our city meet its most significant environmental, social, community relations and educational challenges. These include:

  • Promoting Health & Wellbeing
  • Restoring Our Environment
  • Opening Access To Culture & Heritage
  • Upskilling for 21st Century
  • Developing Children & Young People

The wide-ranging strategic plan will also see increased investment in entrepreneurial activities, a new streamlined collegiate structure and a programme to nurture talent at all levels and tailor support to the different stages of the research career.

University of Leicester leaders give their thoughts on the Strategic Plan: