Sustainability in food and fashion

Researchers from the Departments of Management and Media and Communication will be addressing sustainability issues, including how much food and clothing are wasted each year, alongside representatives from the food and fashion industries at a workshop on 24 September.

Dr Jennifer Smith Maguire and Dr Maria Touri will present their one-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Food and Fashion: Social Sciences as Agent of Innovation’ at College Court, the University’s dedicated conference space, between 10:00am – 4:30pm.

The workshop is designed to provide a unique opportunity for dialogue between academics and practitioners on the pertinent issue of sustainability, in food and fashion. Participants include academics from Management, Media Studies, Sociology, Geography, from the University of Leicester and UK institutions from across the country; and representatives from the food and fashion industry, including small-medium businesses, designers and bloggers.

The workshop aims to facilitate the development of networks and help academics and practitioners identify opportunities for future collaborations.

The event is co-funded by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies, and the University of Leicester's School of Management and Department of Media and Communication. It is organised under the aegis of the Cultural Production and Consumption Research Group at the University.