Survey reveals new archaeological findings at threatened ancient harbour

An expedition by a team from the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at Dreamer’s Bay, RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus between 10 to 22 September 2015 has unearthed a series of ancient artefacts.

The expedition was led by Professor Simon James, and the excavation managed by Vicki Score of University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS). The project was designed to investigate and record threatened archaeological remains along the shoreline at Dreamer’s Bay, on the south coast of the Akrotiri peninsula.

The excavation revealed masonry wall foundations with concentrations of pottery and other material, at various points along more than 500m of shoreline. The walls most likely represent warehouses pertaining to the known ancient harbour at Dreamer’s Bay. From the masses of pottery fragments surrounding the structural remains, the buildings appear to be of Late Roman to early Byzantine date (probably c.AD 300-c.600).

As part of the project, cleaning, recording and limited trial excavation was conducted by the Leicester team at a number of points along the shoreline at Dreamer’s Bay.

Professor James said: "The short expedition to Dreamer’s Bay was very successful, providing a significantly clearer picture of the extent, nature and disposition of the ancient shoreline buildings, hitherto significantly underestimated, and creating a detailed record of the remains before they are further damaged by the sea. It has also laid the basis for a wider University of Leicester programme of research on ancient Akrotiri, intended to be in collaboration with other universities and key partners including Defence Archaeology Group, WSBA Archaeological Society and RAF Akrotiri."