Students Union pays tribute to victims of the Paris terror attacks

People gathered at the Clock Tower in Leicester on Sunday evening to remember those killed and injured in the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday 13 November.

Organised by Leicester students Josh Bird, 21, and Chloé Koehlhoeffer, 20, the vigil attracted more than 100 people, who stopped to say prayers, leave messages and light candles.

Rachel Holland, President of the Students' Union said: "The terrorist attacks that took place across the weekend are truly abhorrent, and it's encouraging to see our students organising events like this to stand in solidarity with victims and their families across the world. Leicester is an incredible multicultural university and the actions taken by a small group of extremists have impacted upon a number of our students from different countries across the world. We have students studying with us from France, Lebanon, and many other countries who were hit over the weekend and as a Union our hearts go out to all those who have been affected."

Our Students' Union will also observe a minute's silence at 11am today (Monday 16 November) in memory of the Paris victims.

A Students' Union representative said: “As an expression of solidarity with the people of France and the French students studying at the University of Leicester, the Students’ Union will be observing a minute’s silence at 11:00 today as a mark of respect to all those who lost their life in Paris on Friday.”

One hundred and twenty-nine people were killed after suicidal gunmen wearing explosive belts attacked a concert hall, bars and restaurants and the Stade de France, in the French capital on Friday night.