Richard III experts discuss how the project illustrates university research is changing for the better

Experts on Richard III have provided a series of insightful opinion pieces about the last Plantagenet king where they discuss their research, contemplate how University research is changing and address concerns that the remains may not be those of Richard III.

In a piece for The Conversation Dr Turi King examines actor Benedict Cumberbatch's relationship to Richard III and argues that we are all related to Richard III in some way - it just depends on the degree. Dr King's article can be read on The Conversation website.

In an article for The Telegraph, 'Richard III shows how university research is changing for the better', Professor Kevin Schürer explores how research at universities is changing through multidisciplinary approaches, with the research around Richard III bringing together experts in archaeology, english, history, engineering, geology and genetics. The article suggests that research collaborations are the way forward and that future research could benefit from this approach.

Professor Lin Foxhall has written a rebuttal for The Telegraph addressing an article suggesting that evidence that the remains are truly those of Richard III is unclear. In Professor Foxhall's response, she points out the many peer-reviewed research papers that have been published on the subject by the University of Leicester, all openly available in leading journals, providing conclusive evidence that the Grey Friars Skeleton 1 is that of King Richard III, at a probability of 99.999 per cent. She argues that the research combines to provide irrefutable evidence to support the identification. Professor Foxhall's article can be read on The Telegraph website.