Historic reception brings together people connected by a bloody history

Over 500 years after a brutal and bloody battle put to death Richard III, England’s last warrior king, and changed the destiny of the country, descendants from the warring factions are to come together for the first time in Leicester. 

Thanks to research by Professor Kevin Schürer (pictured), Pro-Vice-Chancellor for research and enterprise, who conducted geneaological research on Richard III, descendants and relatives of some 20 families who fought at Bosworth have been identified.

They will meet, with members of the families directly related to Richard who donated their DNA as part of the identification process (the Somersets, Ibsens and Wendy Duldig) together for the first time on Wednesday 25 March. Many are distant cousins, separated by generations.

Some have flown in from Australia, South Africa, Canada and travelled from different parts of the UK for an historic occasion when they will literally retrace the past – including a trip back to the Bosworth battlefield.

They will meet at a reception on Wednesday 25 March hosted by the University of Leicester at the Hotel Maiyango in Leicester City Centre, a venue just yards from Leicester Cathedral where Richard will be reinterred on 26 March.