Conference to discuss ways of eradicating female genital mutilation in the UK

This year, more than 20,000 girls under the age of 15 will be at risk of genital mutilation in the UK.

The controversial practice, which involves the partial or total removal of female genitalia, has already robbed more than 66,000 British women of their personal liberties and bodily integrity, and is the focus of a symposium being held on Friday, March 6, at the University of Leicester’s Conference Centre and Hotel College Court, in Knighton, Leicester starting from 9:30am. 

Eva Organisation for Women (EOW), in collaboration with the University, will host the conference to bring together religious leaders, community activists, lawyers and doctors to discuss the illegal, yet widely undertaken tradition. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – also known as Female Genital Cutting (FGC) – is internationally recognised as a violation of human rights with consequences including physical and emotional trauma and can lead to infections, such as tetanus, and shock.

Former University PhD student, now chair of EOW, Dr Sadiyo Siad said: “The aim of the event is to provide a unique opportunity to gain invaluable perspective, insight and best practice and understanding of the current framework of FGM.

“We at EOW believe that education is the way forward to eradicate FGM. Therefore, in this symposium we are also launching an educational package for both professionals and communities alike.”

Dr Siad, who was awarded the University of Leicester's Frank May award as well as the Volunteer of the Year award, in 2012, for her volunteer work, now dedicates her time to helping the victims of this potentially lethal practice.

Visit the Eva Organisation for Women website for more information and to book a place or email