Association of School and College Leaders and University join forces to offer Masters level courses

A unique collaboration between the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and the University will offer professional courses leading to Master’s level degrees.

ASCL and the School of Education will develop the new programmes later this year for school business leaders, middle leaders and system leaders, in charge of networks of schools. The programmes will be delivered in collaboration, with coursework assessed by the University.

Professor Glenn Fulcher, Director of the School of Education, said: “ASCL is forward thinking and proactive in providing continuing professional development to its members and the education community at large.

“University of Leicester’s School of Education has had a long and productive relationship with ASCL, but this new partnership will provide opportunities for both institutions to further support and develop successful leadership in education.

“This is an example of collaborative provision at its best, and will have wide impact on educational quality in the country's schools and colleges."