University of Leicesters Access Agreement Accepted By OFFA

The Office of Fair Access has announced that they have accepted the University of Leicester’s Access Agreement.

Every higher education provider that wishes to charge undergraduate tuition fees in excess of £6,000 must have OFFA approve their plans to secure fair access and student success for people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Our new Access Agreement builds on the work that has seen the University consistently meet Government milestones for the recruitment of students from state education, low-income households and deprived neighbourhoods. It outlines how we will invest over £6 million every year in student scholarships, outreach activities and support services targeted at meeting the needs of those who experience socio-economic or educational deprivation.  It also sets challenging new targets to measure the extent and impact of our widening participation work.

The University’s Provost, Professor Mark Peel, praised the work of those across the University involved in delivering this activity: “OFFA's confirmation that our Access Agreement has been approved reflects the hard work and commitment of the large group of professional services and academic staff who ensure that what is written into this agreement is made real for our students, current and prospective.”

He also stressed the University would continue to innovate in the field of widening participation. “We continue to look for the most effective ways of broadening access to university education and of supporting students once they are here, and this agreement includes new measures--such as the provision of a tangible 'cash card' rather than an intangible fee waiver--that demonstrate Leicester's practical, effective and thoughtful approach to widening participation and student support”.

You can read our Access Agreement at OFFA’s website. If you would like more information about the University of Leicester’s widening participation work, including advice on how you can get involved, please email Will Cooling at