Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 15 22 July

This week Professor Panos Vostanis from the School of Psychology has written an article for The Conversation discussing how Greece's troubled economy is affecting its children. He has also written an article for Think: Leicester where he outlines the International Child Mental Health Trail Blazer campaign.

Dr Kaitlynn Mendes from the Department of Media and Communication has written two articles for The Conversation. In the first she discusses how gender equality is still an issue in many newsrooms across the world - although progress is being made. In the second she explores the significance of the global SlutWalk movement.

Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans from the Centre for Medical Humanities has discussed the challenges of combating revenge pornography in an article for The Conversation.

Professor Martin Parker from the School of Management has discussed in an article for The Conversation how academics are rebelling against traditional views of how business schools should operate.

Dr Tara McCormack from the Department of Politics and International relations has written an article for Spiked examining how there's nothing moral about telling other states what weapons they may have.

Professor Stephen Wood from the School of Management has written a popular piece for HR Zone on the importance of 'enthusiasm-based' interference.

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