Leicesters Indian heritage to be celebrated through inspiring art project

Attenborough Arts Centre, in partnership with seven visual arts venues across Leicester, has received an Arts Council grant of £25,700 for its involvement in a new project to promote cultural exchange between visual artists in India and England through a programme of artist residencies.

The ‘Re:Imagine India’ programme will bring cutting-edge Indian contemporary artists to the UK to create new art celebrating Leicester’s Indian heritage while inspiring young people, challenging stereotypes and fostering inter-cultural awareness across Leicester’s diverse communities.

The residencies, and work produced, will strengthen the city’s visual art sector and will open up the art to new audiences. 

The first part of the project involves a research trip to India in spring 2016, where artists will be selected to take part in the programme of residencies in Leicester. At a second stage, the project will showcase new work in 2017, marking the 70th anniversary of Indian independence.

Attenborough Arts Centre’s new gallery, due to open in autumn this year, will look to exhibit work produced during the ‘Re:Imagine India’ project. The £1.5 million new gallery, funded by Arts Council England and over 1,000 individual donations raised by the University of Leicester, is still accepting donations through its Breaking Barriers Appeal.