Leicester reaches 15 million readers on The Conversation

Academics from across the University have collectively captured the imagination of over 1.5 million readers through more than 130 articles on The Conversation, setting a new milestone for Leicester in delivering expert opinion pieces in response to topical news.

Articles published by Leicester academics recently have covered a range of research areas, including: how Amazon's workplace runs; why pornstars should be forced to wear condoms; the superhuman sense you didn't know you had; and more.

With a growing community of more than 25,300 academics and researchers from 1,303 institutions, The Conversation is encouraging Leicester academics interested in raising their media profile to become an author and pitch article ideas based on individual research expertise.

The University has also launched a new platform for opinion pieces, Think: Leicester, which provides academics and doctoral students with an opportunity to present their independent views on topical news.

Researchers interested in engaging with the media can also sign up to the University's Experts Guide by filling out this short form.

Do you want to contribute an opinion piece about your research or topical news to The Conversation or Think: Leicester? Contact the News Centre to pitch your idea or read our submission guidelines.