ITVs Code of a Killer concludes tonight

The concluding episode of the two-part ITV fictional drama ‘Code of a Killer’, based on Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys’s discovery of DNA fingerprinting at the University of Leicester and its first use in a murder enquiry, will air tonight (13 April) from 9pm.

Filmed last autumn, Code of a Killer retells the story of the investigation into the murders of two Leicestershire schoolgirls, Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, which was solved using Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys’s pioneering DNA fingerprinting technique.

Both Sir Alec and David Baker have been involved in the drama which was directed by Broadchurch's James Strong and Dr Ed Hollox from the University’s Department of Genetics acted as scientific advisor to the show.

The University of Leicester is central to the drama’s storyline, which stars Doctor Who actor John Simm as Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys and Shameless actor David Threlfall as David Baker, the Detective who approached Sir Alec in 1984 for help with the case. Scenes for the programme were filmed on the main campus in October 2014 and 100 students were cast as extras in lecture theatre scenes.

You can watch the second and final episode of Code of a Killer on ITV on Monday 13 April at 9-10.30pm. The first episode is available to watch online on ITV player.

The trailer for 'Code of a Killer' is available to watch below: