Statistics for Economists 1

Module code: EC1007

Module co-ordinator: Dr Carlos Diaz Vela


This module aims to develop a solid understanding of basic probability theory and its application to economics. On completion of this module, students should be able to gain an in-depth understanding of basic probability theory, and use it to calculate probabilities in various circumstances. Also the students will gain quantitative skills by computing descriptive statistics and probabilities.

Topics Covered

  • Descriptive statistics.
  • Probability methods.
  • Discrete probability distributions.
  • Continuous probability distributions.
  • Sampling and Sampling Distributions.
  • Confidence interval estimation.


  • 20 one hour lectures
  • 9 one hour tutorials


The module is worth 20 credits towards your first year assessment. The module will be assessed by the following:

  1. A 45 minutes mid-term test (20%)
  2. A two hours examination at the end of the semester (80%)
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