Bioinformatics Research Project
Module code: MB7010
Building on the skills you have acquired in the taught modules and the steered research project, you will undertake a three month individual research project typically in research groups at the University of Leicester, though some will have external collaborations.
Examples of recent projects:
- Comparative genomics of blood flukes
- Identifying the transcriptional start sites of L1 retrotransposons
- Natural variation in miRNA target sequences
- Unravelling the significance of bidirectional promoters and the function of 'unknown' genes in genomes
- Constructing whole genome recombination maps from Next Generation Sequencing Data
- Trawling for satellites and transposons in living fossil genomes
Published project work by MSc Bioinformatics students
- Saunders GI, Wasmuth JD, Beech R, Lainga R, Hunt M, Naghra H, Cotton JA, Berriman M, Britton C, Gilleard JS. (2013) 'Characterization and comparative analysis of the complete Haemonchus contortus β-tubulin gene family and implications for benzimidazole resistance in strongylid nematodes'. Int. J. Parasitol. vol.43 no.6 pp.465-475 doi:10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.12.011
- Ray J, Dondrup M, Modha S, Steen IH, Sandaa R-A, et al. (2012) 'Finding a needle in the virus metagenome haystack – Micro-metagenome analysis captures a snapshot of the diversity of a bacteriophage armoire'. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034238
- Malone J, Badarinarayan N, Ison J, Stevens R, Parkinson H. (2010) 'An ontology of bioinformatics software' Bio-Ontologies 2010, a Special Interest Group meeting at ISMB 2010. Boston, MA.