Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience

Module code: PS2107

The aim of this library module is to introduce 4 distinct topics in Cognitive Neuroscience through both lectures and discussion sessions for each theme. You will then have the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic through a detailed list of essential and suggested reading material that are intended to give you a more complete picture regarding these popular areas of research. 

The topics chosen are meant to mostly cover non-overlapping fields of research all thematically centred on how the functional anatomy of the brain can result in complex human cognition. Some topics covered include how the brain has evolved to support the uniqueness of human cognition, the role played by sleep in supporting memory consolidation, the tools used to relate human brain activity with complex mental processes and the mechanisms by which emotions can powerfully influence our everyday decisions. The teaching sessions are designed to encourage group discussions using both peer-reviewed and contemporary popular science material which we hope will foster an interactive thought-provoking environment.

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