Dissertation (ELH)

Module code: HS7100

You’re coming to the conclusion of your postgraduate study, and your dissertation is the chance to put all your learning into practice. In this, you’ll undertake a substantive piece of research on an area of English Local History of your choice, resulting in a clear and well-organised dissertation with new insight into your topic.

In the beginning, you’ll identify a valid research topic on an area of English Local History that interests you and create a clear plan and structure for your project. You’ll also identify and account for any ethical issues that may come up during your research. You’ll review relevant literature and identify appropriate primary sources. By doing this, you’ll be able to reach original and fully formed conclusions, presented through a well-structured piece of academic writing. Your dissertation will provide new insight into your chosen topic and the commonly-held understanding of events.

The ability to manage an in-depth study, self-direct a research project over a long period, put forward new insights and maintain a consistent argument will be invaluable as you move forward in your career.

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