Continuing Professional Development for English Language Teachers
Module code: EN7305
In this option you'll look at ways in which you can continue to develop as a teacher after you have completed your MA, and hopefully for the rest of your professional life. In the early stage of their career, teachers face the challenge of dealing with the demands of daily classroom teaching – knowing how to plan and deliver a lesson, how to maintain control of the class, how to manage a variety of different learning tasks and how to get through a syllabus.
After this stage, following initial training and after a teacher begins to gain a degree of confidence in delivering a lesson, a different approach to continuing to grow and develop as a teacher starts to become relevant. You'll look at how teachers change during their careers, and various ways that have been devised to help teachers continue to learn, to remain motivated, avoid burn-out and to continue to inspire learners. You'll also look at specific strategies and activities that you can use to keep yourselves professionally alive and growing.