Managing Security in the Workplace: Approaches, Regulation and Governance

Module code: CR7720

This module considers approaches to managing security, regulation and governance. It will encourage you to critically consider the extent to which the study of crime at work can inform the study of security and risk management.  It will allow you to examine the causes and patterns of offending and the types of environments in which victimisation occurs.  Having done so we will consider how this knowledge can be applied to improve how security and risk managers can respond to workplace offending. This application is considered through the different lenses of regulation, standards and governance allowing you to explore how legislation, guidance and security interact with one another in different ways and on different levels.  Rather than focusing on specific laws alone, the module reflects on overarching principles to ensure it’s applicable to a range of legal systems across the world.

Topics covered

  • The diversity, measurement and management of crime within workplace environments
  • Technology driven surveillance and monitoring
  • Legal responsibilities and the role of security managers
  • Global standards of conduct and governance within private security 
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