Conflict Prevention, Response and Recovery

Module code: CR7581

This module introduces the core security-related concepts currently used in the field of post-conflict intervention and development. You will analyse factors relevant to the prevention of and recovery from conflict. In this context, you will consider the causes of conflict and conflict prevention activities undertaken by the international community, in particular. You will consider the extent to which conflict prevention is prioritised, where successes have been and where limitations exist. The module also reflects upon the cessation of armed conflict and challenges posed in its immediate aftermath. To contextualise the main focus of the course – post-conflict security and justice – the module also reflects upon efforts in the humanitarian, political, economic and development sectors to respond to immediate needs, stabilise a post-conflict environment and facilitate progress towards peace.

Topics covered

  • Causes of Conflict
  • Conflict Prevention
  • Ending Conflict
  • The Immediate Aftermath of Conflict
  • Peacebuilding and Statebuilding
  • International Development and Economic Reform 
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