Professional Studies in Security and Risk Management
Module code: CR3502
Within all sectors, including Security and Risk Management, there is an increasing emphasis on encouraging professionals to reflect critically on their practice and career development. Allied to this emphasis, is the expectation that people within organisations will engage in continuing professional development, regularly assessing their skills and attributes and identifying areas for change and improvement.
This module focuses on how to represent and articulate your skills, attributes and experiences to current and future employers. It will provide you with a range of exercises, tools and resources to help further your career. You may wish to return to and revisit many of these resources in the future, particularly if, as often happens, you find you are applying for positions during the course of the degree. This module has been structured in a way that enables you to initially engage with models of reflection, experiential learning and transferable skills before progressing to consider key aspects of Security and Risk Management, namely team-working, leadership, management and decision making. Finally, the module focuses on how to represent and articulate your skills, attributes and experiences to current and future employers.
Topics covered
- Teams and effective team-working
- Problem solving and decision making
- Developing your management skills
- Reflecting on skills, strengths and areas for development
- Planning for your career development