MBiolSci Research Project (Infection and Immunity)
Module code: BS4307
One of the most attractive features of the final year in Infection and Immunity is the independent laboratory research project which runs for 4 months: 3 months of lab work and then 1 month for writing the dissertation and project presentation.
Drawing on the theoretical and practical principles learned from the taught modules, you will be shown how to apply modern research techniques to an important laboratory-based research problem supervised by an experienced member of the University’s academic staff. Towards the end of semester 1 you will have the opportunity to choose a short-list of your preferred projects from a varied list of current research in the Department of Respiratory Sciences and in other research-active departments of the University.
Following the experimental phase of the project, you will then write up your results in the format of a dissertation, guided by their supervisor. The project is an ideal preparation if you are wishing to proceed to a PhD in the fields of infection and immunity, and offers a great opportunity to enhance your employability as a biomedical scientist.