Leicester Cancer Research Centre

Athena Swan

Women are under-represented in science, the more senior the role the greater the deficit.  In some disciplines there is significant under-representation of women at all levels.

We want to remove all barriers to achievement in employment for both men and women that may exist as a consequence of gender. The Athena SWAN program helps to identify best practice for the working environment of all staff, not just for women, working in science disciplines. Therefore, embracing this Charter will help to support achievement in employment for all staff in the Cancer Research Centre.

The Leicester Cancer Research Centre gained an Athena Swan Silver award in September 2016 showing our commitment to the Athena SWAN and Equalities agenda, which are central to the ethos within LCRC.

As a Centre, we contributed to the recent successful application for an Athena Swan Silver award to the University’s College of Life Sciences.

Find out more about the College of Life Sciences Athena Swan Award

All aspects of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda remain a high priority. We have recently formed a joint working group with the Genetics and Genome Biology Athena Swan team, to form a unified EDI Team which will encompass as many aspects of Equalities as possible, ensuring that we continue to improve the working lives of all our staff and students. Recognising and challenging discriminatory behaviours, celebrating our cultural differences, and ensuring equality of opportunity, are central to our working practices. Please contact Esther Moss or Steph Moutrey if you require support or further information.

Explore EDI at the University of Leicester

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