Impact of Diasporas on the Making of Britain


Articles by Professor Mark Jobling and his team

  • S Harding, M Jobling and T King (Foreword by Michael Wood), Viking DNA: The Wirral and West Lancashire Project. Available on Amazon
  • GR Bowden, P Balaresque, TE King, Z Hansen, AC Lee, G Pergl-Wilson, E Hurley, SJ Roberts, P Waite, J Jesch, AL Jones, MG Thomas, SE Harding and MA Jobling,  'Excavating past population structures by surname-based sampling: the genetic legacy of the Vikings in northwest England', Molecular Biology & Evolution 25 (2008), 301–9 PDF
  • SM Adams, et al. 'The genetic legacy of religious diversity and intolerance: paternal lineages of Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula', Am. J. Hum. Genet. 83 (2008), 725–36 PubMed
  • TE King, Parkin, EJ, G. Swinfield, F Cruciani, R Scozzari, A Rosa, S Lim, Y Xue, C Tyler-Smith and MA Jobling,  'Africans in Yorkshire? - the deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy', Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 15 (2007), 288–93 PubMed
  • TE King, SJ Ballereau, K. Schurer and MA Jobling, 'Genetic signatures of coancestry within surnames', Current  Biolology 16 (2006), 384-8 PubMed
  • MA Jobling, ME Hurles and C Tyler-Smith, Human Evolutionary Genetics: origins, peoples and disease (New York & Abingdon 2004)

Select publications by Professor Simon James

  • S Trow, S James and T Moore, Becoming Roman, Being Gallic, Staying British: Research and Excavations at Ditches 'Hillfort' and Villa 1984–2006 (Oxford 2009)
  • S James, '"Romanization" and the peoples of Britain' in Italy and the West. Comparative Issues in Romanization, ed. S Keay and N Terrenato (Oxford 2001), pp. 77–89
  • S James and M Millett, Britons and Romans: advancing an archaeological agenda, CBA Research Report 125 (York 2001) Online
  • S James, The Atlantic Celts: Ancient People or Modern Invention? (London & Madison 1999)

Select publications by Professor Joanna Story

  • 'The skull of Bede', with Richard Bailey, Antiquaries Journal 95 (2015), pp. 325–50
  • ‘Bede, Willibrord, and the Letters of Pope Honorius I on the genesis of the archbishopric of York’, The English Historical Review 127 (2012), 783–818
  • ‘Aldhelm and Old St. Peter’s, Rome’, Anglo-Saxon England 39 (2010), pp. 7–20.
  • ‘Frankish Annals in Anglo-Norman Durham’, in Wilhelm Levison (1876–1947) – Ein jüdisches Forscherleben zwischen wissenschaftlicher Anerkennung und politischem Exil, Bonner Historische Forschungen 62, ed. M. Becher and Y. Hen (Siegburg, 2010), pp. 145–60
  • ‘After Bede: Continuing the Ecclesiastical History’, in Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald ed. S. Baxter, C. Karkov, J. L. Nelson, and D. Pelteret (Aldershot, 2009), pp. 165–84
  • 'Bede and the Northumbrian Folc', in Northumbria: History and Identity 547–2000 , ed. R Colls (Chichester 2007), pp. 48–67
  • J Story, J Bunbury, AC Felici, G Fronterotta, M Piacentini, C Nicolais, D Scacciatelli, S Sciuti and M Vendittelli, 'Charlemagne's black marble: the origins of the Epitaph of Pope Hadrian I', Papers of the British School at Rome 73 (2005), pp. 157–90
  • 'Charlemagne and the Anglo-Saxons', in Charlemagne, Empire and Society, ed. J Story (Manchester 2005), pp. 195–210
  • Carolingian Connections: England and Francia c.750-870, Studies in Early Medieval Britain (Aldershot 2003)

Select publications by Dr Jayne Carroll

  • Anglo-Saxon Mint-Names I: Axbridge to Hythe (with DN Parsons) (Nottingham: English Place-Name Society, 2007)
  • ‘The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the wars with the Danes’, in Beowulf and other Stories: An Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic, and Anglo-Norman Literature, ed. R North and J Allard (London 2007), pp. 301–50.

Further reading

  • ME Weale, DA Weiss, RE Jager, N Bradman and MG Thomas, 'Y chromosome evidence for Anglo-Saxon mass migration', Molecular Biology & Evolution 19.7 (2002), pp. 1008-21.
  • S Oppenheimer, The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story (London 2006)
  • B Sykes, Blood of the Isles: exploring the genetic roots of our tribal history (London 2006)

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