Department of Population Health Sciences
4.30 – 5.00pm Arrival and Refreshments
5.00 – 5.05pm Welcome and Introduction
Elizabeth Draper, Head of Department of Population Health Science
5.05 – 5.15pm Early birth and child health challenges in Leicester
Elaine Boyle, LCFC Professor in Child Health and Consultant Neonatologist
5.15 – 5.25pm A parent’s perspective
5.25 – 5.55pm Presentations:
- Should our baby be born early? What say do we have?
Frances Mielewczyk, Researcher - Who supports breastfeeding for babies born a few weeks early?
Vimbai Mamombe, PhD Student - How you feed your baby who arrives a little early – does it affect how they grow and develop?
Alice Kavati, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and PhD Student - How do mum's health and baby's early life experiences impact immunity?
Will Dodwell, Paediatrician in training and PhD Student
5.55 – 6.00pm Close
Elaine Boyle
You will have the opportunity to chat with the speakers informally following the event. Refreshments will be provided.