School of Geography, Geology and the Environment

Jane the T-rex

jane the t-rex in the departmentJane is our resident juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex. Jane stands some 2.3m tall at the hip and is 6.4m long, and is about half the height and length of a full-grown T-rex.

The fossil was found at Hell Creek in Montana, USA, in rocks of the Cretaceous Period that are about 66 million years old.

To arrange a visit, please contact our Schools Liaison Tutor at


If you come to visit Jane in person, you can pick up leaflets and coloured badges on request from the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment's Reception: Office G90, Bennett Building.


We have free leaflets available for visitors:


Badges are available for younger children which say "I’ve met Jane at the University of Leicester". NB, the badges are pin badges and so should not be handed out directly to very young children, but should be okayed with and given to a teacher/guardian so that they take responsibility.

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