Evelyn Waugh

Orphan Works

An orphan work is a copyright-protected work for which the rightsholder cannot be traced. Help us reunite lost works with their "parents".

The Complete Works plans to publish not only Evelyn Waugh's personal writings but letters sent from his friends and acquaintances. To do this, we need to acknowledge all copyright-holders properly. Please contact us if you have any information about the descendants of these Waugh correspondents: 

Brenda, Lady Dufferin

Waugh comforted her when her husband, Frederick Marquess of Dufferin and Ava was killed in an air accident in July 1930. Ivana and Sheridan Lowell are descendants.

Crease, Francis

Crease was not a schoolmaster but lived about four miles from Lancing College. Waugh visited him for calligraphy lessons.

Fletcher, John Arthur

Wrote a disgusted letter to Waugh in 1930 after reading Vile Bodies, in which he urged the author to take English lessons.

Graham, Alistair

Waugh's Oxford lover later inspired the character of Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited.

Guthrie, James

Owned the Pear Tree Press in Sussex. Waugh was very briefly apprenticed to him in 1925.

Driberg, Tom

Waugh's contemporary at Lancing and Oxford. Newspaper columnist and later a prominent Labour politician.

Lewis Hill, James

Waugh's contemporary at Lancing, who wrote to him in 1921 - after Lewis Hill had himself left the school.

O'Connor, D.M

Waugh's contemporary at Lancing, who wrote to him in January 1920.

Pares, Richard

Historian. He and Waugh shared a passionate friendship at Oxford. 

Plunket-Greene, Gwendolyn

Mother of Olivia Plunket Greene, a Bright Young Thing with whom Waugh was close in the interwar years.

Plunket-Greene, Richard

Olivia Plunket Greene's brother.

Roxburgh, John Fergusson

Waugh's headmaster at Lancing College.

Scott-Moncrieff, Charles

Last known copyright-holder was Constance Elizabeth Hannah Scott-Moncrieff, to whom the rights passed in 1947.


A pupil taught by Waugh at Ashton Clinton School in 1926-27.

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