School of Education

CLEAPSS: Health and safety update for science teachers

This course aims to de-bunk some common myths, and familiarise you with some potential hazards - such as chemicals, living organisms, pieces of equipment and procedures in use in school science laboratories.


  • Science teachers working in schools and colleges.

Date and time

  • Tuesday 26 April 2022
  • 9.30am - 3.30pm


  • £150 for CLEAPSS members
  • £295 for non-members

Course content

The course involves five sessions:

  • Why do we do practical work?
  • Science IS safe
  • Introduction to health and safety legislation
  • How CLEAPSS can help
  • Risk assessment

Activities in the lab that commonly give rise to problems will be highlighted and discussed.

You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your own safety concerns. You'll also be able to check model risk assessments, such as Hazcards, and consider how these might need to be modified to reflect the circumstances of a particular school, room or class.

The importance of adopting control measures, such as eye protection, and of sticking to agreed procedures will be emphasised.

Teaching and structure

The one-day course is divided into five sessions. In each session you'll participate in a number of activities, including presentations, discussions in groups and quizzes.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • consider the reasons why we do practical work in science
  • raise awareness about health and safety in school science
  • partly fulfil the legal requirement of employers to provide health and safety training for staff

You’ll also be more familiar with CLEAPSS services and advice.

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