Medicine courses
Our patient-focussed medical courses will give you the knowledge, skills and attitudes you need to successfully practise medicine in the modern healthcare environment. You’ll be totally prepared to cope with the challenges healthcare professionals are experiencing today, as well as the inevitable changes in practice that will occur in the future... -
Medicine MBChB
Meet patients from the outset, learn from experts in world-class facilities, and find out what it takes to become a doctor working in the profession today. Our excellent facilities include our purpose built teaching environment, state-of-the-art Clinical Skills Unit and anatomical dissection of human cadavers... -
Medicine with Foundation Year MBChB
Medicine degrees aren’t easy to get into. But this doesn’t mean becoming a doctor is out of the question. If it looks like you won’t meet the entry requirements to study medicine at Leicester, this Foundation Year degree is your path to making it happen... -
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience BSc
How can we harness the brain’s activity to better understand how we think, feel and behave? This is what cognitive neuroscience is all about. And studied side-by-side with psychology, the answers have an impressive range of real-world applications... -
Medicinal Chemistry MChem
This four-year degree expands on the Medicinal Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research... -
Medicinal Chemistry BSc
Every infection-fighting and disease-treating drug owes a great debt to chemistry. In this degree, you’ll be given a solid grounding in chemistry and its role alongside drug development... -
Clinical Sciences BSc
Combine the study of medical and clinical sciences with cutting-edge scientific methods and practice, and prepare for a career where you can make a difference - in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, academic research, or even as a doctor... -
Medical Research MSc (intercalated)
The iMSc in Medical Research is a bespoke course that has been designed specifically for intercalating medical students, providing you with training in research methodologies as well as a yearlong research project, allowing you to put into practice the taught components of the course through a project that interests you... -
Victorian Studies MA
Social changes, technological developments, and literary experimentation make the Victorian period a source of ongoing fascination. On the Victorian Studies MA, you’ll explore a variety of perspectives on life, art and literature during this most exciting of times... -
Diabetes MSc, PGDip, PGCert, by distance learning
This is for you if... you want the flexibility of studying by distance learning whilst expanding your knowledge, skills and confidence in diabetes care to improve outcomes in patient care and personal career progression... -
Pharmacy MPharm
Train to become a medicines-focused clinician. With placements throughout the course, you will have extensive opportunities to apply your learning to patient care. After completion of Foundation Training, you can register as a pharmacist and prescribe medicines for acute and chronic conditions... -
Start Your Career as a Healthcare Professional: Online Work Related Learning
Gain a unique insight into working in healthcare and the NHS as you learn what it takes to become a healthcare professional...