School of Chemistry


August 2017 

On the afternoon of Friday 25 August, 100 members of the department’s community enjoyed its first family fun day held in Victoria Park. Departmental staff, students and their families brought along food and drink to a picnic in the park as part of the event. There was also liquid nitrogen ice-cream, made by PhD students, science experiments, ball games, badminton, cricket and tennis for all the family to enjoy. Thanks go to the members of the Athena SWAN committee for organising the event. This is part of a Departmental strategy to improve the work/life balance for members and staff and builds on our recent success in the Athena SWAN silver award. It was a great event which celebrated the diversity of staff working in the Chemistry department and enabled students and staff to socialise together in a relaxed, family-friendly environment.

August 2017

In response to feedback from the postgraduate cohort at the annual Athena SWAN event in 2017, members of the Athena SWAN committee arranged a screening of the ChemCareers 2017 webinar for early career researchers.  The Royal Society of Chemistry event aimed at PhD, Post-Docs and Early Career Researchers gave an overview of things to consider when considering a career in academia. Early Careers Network members shared their career stories, and gave advice on how to make yourself more employable outlining some of the essential skills and qualities of successful academics. The event was attended by a range of postgraduate students and Post-Docs. Several students reflected after the webinar that it was useful to find out more about grant application processes, and also highlighted how useful teaching experience and supervision of final year project students could be when seeking employment in the future.

July 2017

Dr Barbara Villa Marcos and Prof. Andy Ellis represented the Chemistry department at the Athena SWAN Charter awards ceremony at Imperial College on 19th July, where the Chemistry department received their Silver award.

May 2017

The Chemistry department were delighted to have had their efforts in tackling the unequal representation of women in science recognised, by achieving an Athena SWAN Silver Award. The award is in recognition of our actions that have already been put in place, the impact they have had, and of our future plans to address gender inequality. This positive action in the form of good practice that arises from implementation of the Athena SWAN ethos is of benefit to everyone in higher education, irrespective of gender.

April 2017 

Georgie Girt won first prize in the RSC Organic Division Midlands Meeting Poster Competition (Sponsored by Advion). The meeting was held here at Leicester in the Chemistry department.

March 2017 

Three of our students: Georgina Girt; Charlotte Pughe and Jodie Coulston were shortlisted to showcase their excellent research in the House of Commons.

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