
Students with existing dyslexia reports

At university it is a requirement that a student has evidence of a specific learning difficulty in order to put exam arrangements in place. These arrangements could be extra time and other reasonable adjustments which may be recommended in the diagnostic report.

You must have a full and formal diagnostic assessment which has been carried out by a HCPC-registered Educational Psychologist or a Specialist Assessor who holds an Assessment Practising Certificate, use the detailed description of the guidelines for help. 

There has been a recent rule change by the Department for Education which was announced in November 2018.  The formal confirmation is awaited, however, it is understood that full and formal assessments will be accepted for DSA applications and university purposes regardless of the age the student was when they were undertaken.

If you have a diagnostic assessment report written in a language other than English, we require a certified English translation of the document.

Although you may have told us about your disability on your application form, you must contact the AccessAbility team at the beginning of the academic year to discuss exam arrangements and other support. Exam arrangements are not put in place until you have discussed them with a Study Adviser in AccessAbility.  

You can have support from AccessAbility as soon as you have made yourself known to the University. You do not have to wait until your DSA comes through to use AccessAbility or make appointments with staff. 

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