
15049 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Which cities have the best tech industry?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 8, 2019 Find out using the 2019 Savills Tech index. It measures over 100 metrics.

  • Global attacks on the press

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on April 27, 2018 This week Freedom House Reports released Attacks on the Record – the state of world press freedom 2017/18.

  • Google tracks your movements even when you tell it not to

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 24, 2018 Associated Press investigative report with worrying findings released this week.

  • How well are companies managing their cybersecurity?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 8, 2019 Find out more in this UK government annual assessment of FTSE 350 companies. The a survey assessed awareness of risk, strategies and measures.

  • Migration Policy Centre

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on September 18, 2013 Publishes research on migration, asylum and mobility in Europe and in countries located along migration routes to Europe.

  • The diversity of HE governors

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on October 12, 2020 The first ever report on this subject has been published by AdvanceHE.

  • LGBTQ Video Game Archive

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on July 13, 2021 LGBTQ Video Game Archive: Catalogue of LGBTQ video games since the 1980s. Of relevance to creative computing.

  • British Library world newspaper data

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on June 24, 2022 Free to download. Get the full title list  with dates of coverage and see a map visualizing the areas of the world they cover.

  • Impact of COVID on elections

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 10, 2021 Briefing on how coronavirus has affected UK elections , from the House of Commons Library Posted in Politics | Tagged COVID-19 , Democracy , Elections , Politics , United Kingdom | Leave...

  • Kit de Waal

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 19, 2022 Our own writer in residence reads her autobiography Without Warning and Only Sometimes Listen on BBC Radio 4 or Box of Broadcasts . Available in the UK only.

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