
10272 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Technology in Financial Markets

    Module code: MN7382 Module Outline This module explores the roles that technological systems play in the operation of financial institutions, looking at the design and operation of clearing and settlement systems and fund transfer infrastructure.

  • Technology in Financial Markets

    Module code: MN7382 Module Outline This module explores the roles that technological systems play in the operation of financial institutions, looking at the design and operation of clearing and settlement systems and fund transfer infrastructure.

  • Technology in Financial Markets

    Module code: MN7382 Module Outline This module explores the roles that technological systems play in the operation of financial institutions, looking at the design and operation of clearing and settlement systems and fund transfer infrastructure.

  • The University of Leicester receives further £1.25 million to fund world-leading social sciences research

    University of Leicester has been awarded an additional £1.25 million by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to support its world-leading social sciences research.

  • Sand clouds, water vapour and sulphur dioxide detected on nearby exoplanet using world-leading space telescope

    New study that has discovered ‘sand clouds’ on a planet orbiting a nearby star using James Webb Space Telescope involves University of Leicester space scientist, using the MIRI instrument that University engineers and scientists helped design and develop.

  • Accounting Analysis and Valuation: Private and Public Sectors

    Module code: MN7244 Financial statements are the primary source of information about organisations. One of the main aims of financial statements is to help users of accounting information to determine the value of organisations and their activities.

  • Accounting Analysis and Valuation: Private and Public Sectors

    Module code: MN7244 Financial statements are the primary source of information about organisations. One of the main aims of financial statements is to help users of accounting information to determine the value of organisations and their activities.

  • Accounting Analysis and Valuation: Private and Public Sectors

    Module code: MN7244 Financial statements are the primary source of information about organisations. One of the main aims of financial statements is to help users of accounting information to determine the value of organisations and their activities.

  • At Leicester we are committed to providing the best opportunities and getting the best out of our students

    Clearing is an exciting time of the academic year and we are proud to welcome new students to come and study with us. For Diane Fothergill (pictured), an admissions officer at Leicester, 2018 marks her 40th year welcoming students to the University.

  • Political Cartooning in Côte d’Ivoire: Interview with Lassane Zohoré

    Political cartoonist Lassane Zohoré (Côté d'Ivoire) is interviewed by Dr James Illingworth for the Covid in Cartoons project.

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