The Limits of Neoliberalism: An Interview with Will Davies*
Posted by Stephen Dunne in School of Business Blog on April 15, 2015 Stephen Dunne (henceforth SD): Can I ask you to recount, when you set out on the book , what you were trying to do and in relation to what body of work? WD: The main question I had, following on from...
First ever SAPPHIRE-run Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School is huge success
Posted by ekrockow in SAPPHIRE (Social science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch) on August 29, 2019 SAPPHIRE ran the first Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School. This was a two-day event held in a very sunny College Court in Leicester.
Book Group: The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold
An account of our Book Group discussion of The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, written up by Ian Truslove.
Research project on gay migration and HIV-status is recruiting participants
Research project on gay migration Research project|University of Leicester seeking HIV-positive gay/bi/queer/MSM men needed for new research study Researchers at the University of Leicester are researching how HIV shapes the migration choices of gay men in Europe.
Explore the publications related to the Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS) at the University of Leicester.
Community partners launch Leicester children's health partnership
Kate 2298|Leicester City, Leicester's Hospitals and University of Leicester commit to long-term partnership to make the next generation of children the region's healthiest.
Code of practice concerning freedom of speech: Appendix
This appendix describes the Administrative Procedures governing the booking of rooms on University premises for the purpose of holding any form of non-teaching event. All such events are subject to the requirements set out in sections 12-20 of this Code.
River researcher awarded prestigious Fulbright Scholarship
A Leicester expert in river systems has been awarded a prestigious scholarship to expand her research in the USA.
What is the state of digital diplomacy?
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on June 14, 2017 The second annual Burson-Marsteller’s Twiplomacy survey examines how the main social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook , Instagram , Periscope and Snapchat .
Abolition and Adventure: Narratives of the Atlantic World
Module code: EN7254 Accounts of global travel and adventure were extremely popular with eighteenth-century British readers.