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Applied Psychology Dissertation
Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Applied Psychology Dissertation
Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Applied Psychology Dissertation
Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Browse the equipment available for use in the Electron Microscopy Facility at the University of Leicester.
University Grant of Arms
University Grant of Arms, before cleaning. Image: Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.
Social Justice
We fight for justice. Our academics research the societal issues to bring equality, community cohesion, justice and inclusion across the globe.
Experienced psychologist to reflect on clinical work with gender variant children and adolescents
Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist Dr Bernadette Wren will be delivering a public talk on the complexity of clinical work with gender diverse children and adolescents on 6 February.
31st May 2013 Sol 291
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 31, 2013 The first paper about our results after landing has just been published.
A tax on authentic cider? – University of Leicester
A consideration of how new EU proposals to remove tax exemption for small cider producers could impact craft cider producers in Wales.