
9370 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Leading thinker on female homosexuality in Muslim communities to give public talk

    The latest trends in the study of homosexuality and migration will be explored in a free lecture taking place on 25 November between 5.30 and 7pm in Ken Edwards Lecture Theatre 3.

  • Europes leading space business competitions team up at University

    Students, entrepreneurs and businesses are invited to the University on 4 June to receive coaching and advice regarding Europe’s leading space business competitions, the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) and the Copernicus Masters, to help turn...

  • Public lecture: 'Meaning Transfer and News Translation: A Contradiction in Terms?'

  • World-leading science park’s success showcased at festival

    The achievements of the world’s first science and innovation park dedicated to space-related companies came under the spotlight at the Leicestershire Innovation Festival.

  • University joins local organisations in marking Holocaust Memorial Day

    The millions of people killed in the Holocaust and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur will be remembered at an event at the University of Leicester on 28 January for Holocaust Memorial Day.

  • Local schoolchildren to board a steam train in the name of science

    Schoolchildren from the East Midlands will be jumping on board a steam train on Friday 13 March to perform a classic science experiment as part of a University project organised by Dr Emma Chung from the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences to mark the first day of...

  • Chinese link with local renal unit builds on University initiatives

    Links with a nephrology unit in Nantong China developed by University researchers have now led to Leicester’s Hospitals’ John Walls Renal Unit becoming a “sister renal centre” as part of the International Society of Nephrology Sister Renal Center (SRC) Programme.

  • Expert opinions cover digital sweatshops and local aid workers

    Dr Jonathan Corpus Ong from the Department of Media, Communication and Sociology has written an article for The Guardian about how local aid workers are often ignored after being recruited to humanitarian technology and communications teams, despite the insight they...

  • Salters Festival of Chemistry teaches students from local schools about science

    64 students from 16 schools in the local area enjoyed an exciting day of chemistry at the Salters' Festival of Chemistry on campus on Tuesday 12 April. Each school was represented by a team of four 11-13 year olds.

  • Leicesters EU students boost local jobs and the economy

    EU students at universities in Leicester and across the East Midlands generate £143m for the region’s economy and support 1,341 jobs, according to analysis from Universities UK. The new analysis looks at the impact of EU students across all regions and nations of the UK.

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