
10563 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Prestigious archaeology prize for Leicester graduate

    The Association for Environmental Archaeology has announced that Leicester alumna Nora Battermann has won their John Evans Undergraduate Dissertation Prize. This year’s winners of the John Evans Prizes were announced at the Association’s annual conference in Rome.

  • New portrait of Sir David Attenborough revealed in city

    A stunning new portrait of Leicester honorary graduate and Distinguished Honorary Fellow Sir David Attenborough at Leicester’s New Walk Museum has been revealed by the man himself.

  • PhD student receives prestigious research grant

    A PhD student has been awarded funding to investigate the ‘fingerprint’ of organic matter in the Carboniferous Bowland Shale.

  • Leicester Pride 2020 launches online – “still celebrating, just in a different way”

    Pride 2020 Virtual Pride Leicester 2020 BCw2ua5eODI|Today the University of Leicester and Leicester Students’ Union are delighted to join Leicester Pride 2020, along with fellow universities, and Students’ Unions at, De Montfort and Loughborough.

  • P

    Parker Library on the Web Digital images of the manuscripts and early printed books entrusted to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge by Matthew Parker (1504-75).

  • Unexpected Encounters: How museums nurture living and ageing well

    Read more about ideas relating to contemporary isolation and loneliness - a research project led by the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries.

  • Past projects

    We have a myriad of research projects on the go. Find out more about the past research undertaken in English at Leicester.

  • Code of practice concerning freedom of speech: Appendix

    This appendix describes the Administrative Procedures governing the booking of rooms on University premises for the purpose of holding any form of non-teaching event. All such events are subject to the requirements set out in sections 12-20 of this Code.

  • Lavinia Toso

    The academic profile of Miss Lavinia Toso, PhD student at University of Leicester

  • Jupiter's crowning glory

    On 5 July 2016, NASA’s Juno spacecraft entered a polar orbit around Jupiter – 13 years after Leicester’s Professor Stan Cowley became attached to the project as Co-Investigator.

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