Services for business
See details of our range of consultancy and threat/risk advisory services. Consultancy services Details of our range of educational, training, and CPD courses.
Further Topics in Health Data Science
Module code: MD7476 This module will extend your knowledge to more advanced data science topics as well as exposing you to a wider variety of topics. You will take one mandatory teaching week (Advanced Data Science).
Further Topics in Health Data Science
Module code: MD7476 This module will extend your knowledge to more advanced data science topics as well as exposing you to a wider variety of topics. You will take one mandatory teaching week (Advanced Data Science).
Mutation and adaption for higher education
Learn more about horizontal gene transfer for higher education at The University of Leicester.
Further Topics in Health Data Science
Module code: MD7476 This module will extend your knowledge to more advanced data science topics as well as exposing you to a wider variety of topics. You will take one mandatory teaching week (Advanced Data Science).
Arabic Post-beginners (Level 2)
Arabic course for post-beginners at Leicester University
Italian Post-advanced (Level 6)
Advanced Italian Course at Leicester University
German Intermediate Fast Track (Level 3)
Fast Track Intermediate German Course at Leicester University
University of Sanctuary
A University of Sanctuary is an institution that 'offers good practice in welcoming asylum seekers and refugees into the university community and fostering a culture of welcome and inclusion for all.'
Services and techniques
The Electron Microscopy Facility provides a range of services and techniques for users inside and outside the University of Leicester.