
10205 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Security Sector Reform

    Module code: CR7584 An effective, efficient and fair security and justice sector is key to securing peace, stability and development. In recognition of this, comprehensive Security Sector Reform (SSR) programmes are often implemented in post-conflict countries.

  • Integrated Engineering Design

    Module code: EG2006 This module gives you the opportunity to work in teams to both design and test an engineering system, but also to take part in a simulated business activity to learn how engineering decisions influence the profitability of businesses.

  • Advanced Electrical Machines

    Module code: EG7034 In this module we will learn how to make detailed calculations and predictions of the operation of machines under steady state and dynamic conditions, and when connected to electronic drives.

  • Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine

    Module code: BS3083 The second precision medicine module will continue the consideration of current cutting-edge topics in the clinical sciences arena: Respiratory Precision Medicine This part of the module will include: The molecular and cellular basis of respiratory...

  • Approaching Ancient Evidence (Roman)

    Module code: AH1009 What types of evidence do ancient historians have to work with? Who were the potential audiences for works of history, poetry, graffiti, comedy, oratory etc.

  • Midwifery Practice 2

    Module code: MW2001 (double module) This module will be delivered through a series of lectures, workshops, simulation in the skills laboratory and clinical practice, where you will learn, participate and initiate the care and provide support to women experiencing normal and...

  • Archaeology, Religion and Belief

    Module code: AR3553 Religion, belief and ritual are important aspects of the human experience and yet notoriously difficult for archaeologists to understand from the archaeological record.

  • Archaeology and Heritage

    Module code: AR3606 ‘Heritage’ is a very powerful idea, and we will begin this module by thinking about what heritage actually is and what it means in the contemporary world.

  • Using Numbers in Social Research

    Module code: SY2008 This module will help you develop the skills to both use and consume numbers in social research. You'll look at the ways in which you can locate, retrieve and use large scale numeric data for your research and studies.

  • Big Data and Predictive Analytics

    Module code: CO7093 As we increasingly rely upon the online environment for our daily routines, we leave behind a vast amount of information about us. Commercial and public organisations can use this information to predict our behaviour.

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