Computational Partial Differential Equations with Applications
Module code: MA7011 The mathematical models arising from countless physical and natural phenomena as well as social sciences such as economics and finance are based on Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).
Programming Techniques for Reliable Embedded Systems
Module code: EG7510 From bare metal, to complex, reliable, safety-critical, and certified embedded systems. Embedded systems are ubiquitous. Our day begins with an alarm clock that is most probably running on a microcontroller in a mobile phone.
Leicester pioneers introduce novel new imaging autopsy service to the NHS
Researchers from the University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust have introduced an alternative method to diagnose the cause of death, which in many cases can replace the need for the traditional invasive autopsy.
Summer School
Students on flexible learning programmes in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester can take part in a 5-day Summer School in Leicester each year.
Applied Medical and Biological Sciences 2
Module code: BS1084 This second applied sciences module covers three key areas: Pathological Processes Here you will be introduced to the science of pathology.
Applied Medical and Biological Sciences 2
Module code: BS1084 This second applied sciences module covers three key areas: Pathological Processes Here you will be introduced to the science of pathology.
Applied Medical and Biological Sciences 2
Module code: BS1084 This second applied sciences module covers three key areas: Pathological Processes Here you will be introduced to the science of pathology.
Financial Statement Analysis
Module code: EC7095 Financial statements are produced by businesses so that a wide range of users - including banks, suppliers, customers, Government and employees - can make economic decisions about the financial performance and position of that business.
Biodiversity in Practice
Module code: BS3038 This module introduces students to ecological field survey techniques and species identification.
Biodiversity in Practice
Module code: BS3038 This module introduces students to ecological field survey techniques and species identification.