
846 results for: ‘ethics4sports’

  • Modern Languages BA

    Leicester’s Modern Language Studies degree allows you to study up to three languages, from French, Italian, and Spanish.

  • Modern Languages with Film Studies BA

    Build a firm grounding in film studies, whilst studying one or two modern languages (French, Italian and Spanish) at the University of Leicester.

  • Report: “Pedagogy, policy and support: taking lecture capture to the next level”

    Posted by David Hopkins in College of Social Science: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog on July 2, 2013 Date: July 3rd, 2013 Location: Loughborough University Details: “Pedagogy, policy and support: taking lecture capture to the next level” Twitter hashtag: #lborolc13 With...

  • Modern Languages and International Relations BA

    The Modern Languages and International Relations degree at Leicester will equip you with a knowledge of European politics, whilst you hone your linguistic and analytical skills.

  • PhD students

    Browse a list of School of Business research students. Find out more about their research areas and ways to get in touch.

  • Publications

    Explore the publications related to the Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS) at the University of Leicester.

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