
16385 results for: ‘%s’

  • Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence

    Module code: EG4115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.

  • Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence

    Module code: EG7115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.

  • Courses for Teachers

    Courses for Teachers including CELTA, TESOL, EAP and EMI offered at the ELTU.

  • Numerical Programming in C++

    Module code: PA3247 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.

  • Engineering Design Case Study

    Module code: EG7010 Engineering Design Case Study is an extremely diverse module, the main focus of which is to make you aware of your ethical and moral responsibilities as a professional engineer or scientist.

  • Numerical Programming in C++

    Module code: PA3247 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.

  • Engineering Design Case Study

    Module code: EG7010 Engineering Design Case Study is an extremely diverse module, the main focus of which is to make you aware of your ethical and moral responsibilities as a professional engineer or scientist.

  • Numerical Programming in C

    Module code: NT4014 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.

  • Engineering Design Case Study

    Module code: EG7010 Engineering Design Case Study is an extremely diverse module, the main focus of which is to make you aware of your ethical and moral responsibilities as a professional engineer or scientist.

  • Numerical Programming in C++

    Module code: PA3247 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.

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