
928 results for: ‘ethics4sports’

  • People

    Learn more about the people involved within the Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics project at Leicester.

  • Politics and Economics BA

    This degree at Leicester combines the study of politics with economics, and explore how each discipline impacts the other.

  • Politics and Economics BA

    This degree at Leicester combines the study of politics with economics, and explore how each discipline impacts the other.

  • Business and Management BA

    Explore the realities of management and the managerial experience with this degree from the University of Leicester’s School of Business.

  • Politics and Sociology BA

    Leicester’s Politics and Sociology degree explore the links between politics and social issues and offers the flexibility to shape your course around your interests.

  • Politics and Sociology BA

    Leicester’s Politics and Sociology degree explore the links between politics and social issues and offers the flexibility to shape your course around your interests.

  • Hooray for the National Trust

    Posted by Robin Clarke in School of Museum Studies Blog on April 5, 2017 There are many things in life that one should really rise above and not respond to. One such thing, in my humble opinion, is the Daily Mail.

  • Pioneering vascular research receives major boost from the British Heart Foundation

    The British Heart Foundation has awarded nearly £900,000 to a University of Leicester professor to continue his pioneering heart valve research.

  • Santa’s sleigh flies with the power of the Apollo mission rocket

    Santa’s sleigh would require equivalent thrust to that produced by the Saturn V rocket or 150 Boeing 747-400 engines, University of Leicester students have found.

  • Heart Health: A beginner’s guide to cardiovascular disease

    Posted by Ana Verissimo in Cardiovascular news and views on October 20, 2014   Last month, after hearing about this course through a departmental e-mail, I decided to enrol, to refresh my knowledge of cardiovascular disease.

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