
19693 results for: ‘%s’

  • US caselaw

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on April 15, 2024 Caselaw Access Project The Caselaw Access Project is based on the holdings of Harvard Law School. Its aim is to provide free public access all published U.S. court decisions.

  • Space Park Leicester named as a UK ‘centre for excellence’ for future growth

    A new report by the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) has identified Space Park Leicester, the landmark national initiative being developed by the University of Leicester in collaboration with local, national and international partners, as the UK centre of...

  • Expert comment Tony Blair is right Prime Ministers must be allowed to take difficult decisions

    The Iraq war was a ‘catastrophic error’ and shows us that going to war should always be the last resort, according to Dr Robert Dover from the Department of Politics and International Relations.

  • What is PRISMA, and why do you need a protocol?

    Explanation of PRISMA guidelines and why researchers need to use a protocol when doing a systematic review.

  • What is the Anthropocene and why is it relevant for international law

    An article written by Professors Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams from the Department of Geology with Professor Davor Vidas of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Norway is for the third month in a row ranked in the top 50 of the most-read articles in the Oxford University...

  • £2.6 million to create new approach to care for the under 40s with type 2 diabetes

    Funding for a five-year project, that aims to develop a new type of care package that addresses gaps in support for people under 40 living with type 2 diabetes, has been awarded to a research team in Leicester. The £2.

  • How can social media be used in emergencies?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 22, 2014 The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit (ACCRU) and the Australian...

  • Bloomberg: US Government shutdown

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on October 2, 2013 A U.S. government shutdown affects everyone to some degree.  Companies with big federal contracts have a special reason to worry.

  • Bloomberg: US GDP reporting

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 21, 2013 The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis made substantial changes to how it defines and measures key components of U.S. gross domestic product.

  • What the bones can't tell us

    We can tell the age, height and build of Richard III from the skeleton but the details of the injuries is based on knowledge of medieval weapons, armour and battles as well as on the bones themselves.

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