CassiniHuygens will truly be the benchmark against which all future space missions are compared
After almost twenty years in space, the Cassini spacecraft will tomorrow (15 September) make its final encounter with Saturn, ending humankind’s first detailed exploration of the ringed planet.
The Morning after Brexit
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on July 5, 2016 Brendan Lambe. Lecturer in Finance and an Irish European, reflects on the meaning of the referendum. On the morning of the 24 th of June we awoke to a Britain which had changed utterly.
Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: P
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Physics & Astronomy: Page 2
The Jupiter Time Capsule Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on August 3, 2016 Given that we don’t yet know whether a planetary core exists within Jupiter, much of our understanding of giant planet formation comes from a...
PlanetarySeminar: Solar wind and planetary magnetospheres coupling: macrophysical and microphysical processes.
Andrew Dunn: Page 134
Academic Librarian.
Research Communication
Module code: GY3426 The academic publishing landscape has significantly changed with the impact of globalisation, new technologies and the growth of the knowledge economy.
Research Communication
Module code: GY3426 The academic publishing landscape has significantly changed with the impact of globalisation, new technologies and the growth of the knowledge economy.
New book imagines society based on animal rights
What are Animal Rights For? has been published by University of Leicester politics expert Dr Steve Cooke, explaining the nature, function, purpose, and limitations of animal rights for a public audience.
AI scientists spark interest at largest school-based STEM fair
The DriverLeics team was among exhibitors at the Bright Sparks STEM Fair, demonstrating an interactive robot dog, an AI system that identifies objects in people's hands, and two self-driving cars to demystify the concept of autonomous vehicles.