Leading Leicester cardiologists nominated for British Heart Foundation Heart Hero award
Two leading Leicester doctors who have put their “heart and soul” into pioneering medical research have been nominated for a top regional award later this year.
Leicester diabetes professor awarded honorary degree
An internationally recognised diabetes professor from Leicester has been presented with an honorary degree from the university he graduated from as a doctor in 1984.
Welcome Postdoc Zedong Zheng – University of Leicester
The Arch-I-Scan project welcomes Zedong Zheng as new Postdoctoral Research Associate (Mathematics).
Valuing Diversity and Teaching inclusively: acknowledging ‘additional work’
Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on August 2, 2019 Students working on escape room activity, University of Leicester. Starting University is a major step in life for all students.
Management of airway disease
Specialists Bankart Beardsmore Bradding Brightling Coats Gaillard Green Morgan Pandya Siddiqui Singh Steiner Thompson Wardlaw We are fully committed to a translational approach to our research and are keen to take our...
Alberto Fernández Carbajal
Alberto is a Leverhulme Fellow at School of English, University of Leicester, where he previously was Teaching Fellow in Postcolonial Literature.
Andrew Dunn: Page 124
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Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Glorious Debo
Posted by Barbara Cooke in School of English Blog on September 29, 2014 Deborah Mitford, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, often referred to as the “last Mitford sister”, has passed away. But Debo, as she was known to friends and family, was an institution in her own right.