
7798 results for: ‘Primary Education’

  • Modern Languages BA

    Leicester’s Modern Language Studies degree allows you to study up to three languages, from French, Italian, and Spanish.

  • £1.2 million funding to investigate mental health legacy of colonialism in Guyana’s jails

    Funding for University of Leicester project announced under the ESRC-AHRC GCRF Mental Health 2017 Call

  • Publications by theme

    Take a look at the publications available to those studying European Law and Internationalisation at The University of Leicester.

  • Modern Languages and International Relations BA

    The Modern Languages and International Relations degree at Leicester will equip you with a knowledge of European politics, whilst you hone your linguistic and analytical skills.

  • Senate regulation 12: Regulations governing student complaints

    Downloadable version of Senate Regulation 12 (PDF, 154KB) Introduction 12.1 Advice on the operation of the complaints regulations can be obtained from the Student Conduct and Complaints Team, or from the Advice Service in the Students’ Union.

  • Dr Kees Straatman

    Learn more about the manager of the Advanced Imaging Facility in the Core Biotechnology Services, Dr Kees Straatman.

  • Conferences and presentations

    Written notes on keynote speeches and presentations made at conferences on Luigi Ghirri's work and legacy in photographic art.

  • Developing partnerships for innovation in health

    We were delighted to host 16 fabulous speakers at Leicester City Football Club on 27 June 2024.

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