
7756 results for: ‘Primary Education’

  • Richard III Geneticist leads DNA search to identify the man who shaped early America

    The University of Leicester geneticist who led the DNA identification of the ‘The King under the car park’ –Richard III – has been called upon to help identify the headless remains believed to be those of a man ‘who shaped early America’.

  • University of Leicester Staff Blogs School of English New Voices Wagon Project Remarkable Experience

    Posted by Julie Coleman in School of English Blog on July 4, 2014    By Eshara Wijetunge During my final year as an undergraduate studying History of Art and English, I was involved in the New Voices Wagon Project ( NVWP ), a Leicester-based project that aims to...

  • Space Park Leicester – Phase One Complete

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on April 21, 2021 Congratulations from the School to all those involved in developing Space Park Leicester, as the keys to the pioneering £100 million research, innovation and teaching hub for space-related...

  • University of Leicester picks up two awards in VisitEnglands Awards for Excellence

    The University of Leicester competed in national awards at the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence 2016 at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool where Attenborough Arts Centre and King Richard III Partnership won awards amongst the country’s elite tourism offers.

  • Immigration and indigenism in popular historical discourses

    Research Associate: Dr Marc Scully The relationship between a sense of national or regional identity and collective memory has been a matter of longstanding concern across a range of disciplines, including social psychology, sociology, history and politics.

  • Buried ‘without any pompe or solemne funeral…’

    After the battle, Richard’s corpse was returned to Leicester, accompanied by Henry Tudor and the victorious Lancastrian army. By all accounts, Richard’s body was not treated well after the battle.

  • Physics and Astronomy Fellowships in Leicester

    Physics and Astronomy Fellowships in Leicester, STFC, Royal Society, EPSRC, NERC

  • Joe Orton: 50 Years On

    The Joe Orton: 50 Years On project sought to commemorate three of Joe Orton's plays (Loot, Entertaining Mr Sloane and What the Butler Saw) on the 50th anniversary of their premieres. Find out more about the project.

  • Understanding the epidemiology, experiences and variation in the transition from neonatal to paediatric care: a mixed methods study

    Information you need to know The Department of Population Health Sciences is part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.

  • Locating the choir within the church

    A small area above the human remains in Trench 1 was carefully widened with a digger to give archaeologists better access to the burial. Jo Appleby and Turi King began to carefully remove the grave soil by hand. Work was slow, to avoid damage to the skeleton.

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