Rachel Small BA MA
Learn more about our Environmental Officer of ULAS, Rachel Small.
Module code: NT4013 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.
Chemistry Maths and Skills
Module code: CH1204 This module is split into two parts - maths and key skills. In order to engage with degree-level concepts in chemistry, it is vital to know fundamental mathematical principles, which you'll learn during the maths part of this module.
Introduction to Astrophysics
Combine this unit with two others to form the module 'Introduction to Physics Specialisms' Astrophysics is the branch of physics concerned with using the laws of physics to understand the Universe and its constituent parts.
Module code: PA3246 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.
Debates in Archaeological Heritage
Module code: AR1013 ‘Heritage’ is a very powerful idea, and we will begin this module by thinking about what heritage actually is and what it means in the contemporary world.
Module code: AR3604 It is estimated that by 2050, almost 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities – but what is it that makes a city, and how have people changed and adapted to urban living? Archaeology is well-placed to examine a range of information about...
Classical and Hellenistic Greek States
Module code: AH2022 In this module we will use literary, archaeological, and epigraphic sources to examine the spectrum of Greek political communities before and after Alexander the Great, breaking down both unipolar (Athenocentric) and bipolar (‘Athens vs.
Computer Systems
Module code: CO1016 While modern computers are complex devices, there are a small number of key components from which the majority of computers are composed. This module will provide you with a broad picture of a modern computer, covering key hardware and software components.
Newborn and Infant Physical Examination
Module code: MW2004 The physiology of the fetus is fundamentally different from that of the newborn baby and in this module fetal physiology will be discussed alongside how the healthy term neonate adapts to extra-uterine life.